We establish relationships with our clients by delivering a bespoke design service which exceeds their objectives. We can only do this by complete understanding of the challenge and requirements at the very beginning of every project – we do this through our design process.


Building Analysis

Due diligence

We undertake a thorough survey of the building so that there are no nasty surprises once the design process is underway.

Matrix of accommodation

We develop a matrix of accommodation to include the overall aspirations of the project, growth projections and team adjacencies. This enables a realistic size and type of space sought. At this stage, we define our clients’ present ways of working and any possible future developments.


A client steering group is set up, with clear lines of communication agreed between it and us. A regular meeting date is set, initially weekly, then fortnightly, dependent on project size and complexity.


Because we believe that a project’s success depends on accurate information and the full commitment of the client, we take time and effort to identify and involve the right client-side people at the briefing stage.

A sample of key staff may be identified or every member of staff may be asked for information and opinions (we can advise which is appropriate). Questionnaires and interviews are tailored to the project and to the people involved.

The results are summarised and reported to the steering group for review. The agreed data is formulated and fed into the project brief, which is then signed off by the client.


The following steps cover the concept stage of a project:

  • Implementation of the project brief in detail
  • Appraisal of the site information against the brief
  • Definition of the outline project budget (so the team can design accordingly to fit the budget).
  • Definition of acoustic requirements
  • 2/3 options for plans and space plans and visuals of key areas
  • Outline design for building services, IT, security and Audio Visual
  • Office furniture proposals
  • Finishes proposals and lighting ideas
  • Preliminary consultation with statutory authorities
  • Review disabled access

We hold a workshop at the end of this stage with the client to review the design proposals and take into account comments before proceeding to the next stage:

Design development stage 1

  • Undertake detailed site survey.
  • Plan and design progressed, incorporating client comments.
  • Visuals of key areas updated, incorporating client comments.
  • Establish all materials and colours.
  • Development of concept design to include structural design, IT and building services.
  • Furniture ideas and mock ups/showroom visits. Development of bespoke furniture design if required.
  • Development of layouts – demolitions, elevations, raised floors partitions, builders’ work, joinery/furniture, ceilings, finishes, partitions, joinery, fire and building control.
  • Draft Landlord submission for comment.
  • Establish signage, manifestations and artwork.
  • Cost Plan.

Design development stage 2

This is the stage at which final decisions are made, and the design is conclusively agreed with the client. Any changes made after this stage may have impact on the project’s cost and would need to be managed through the Change Order Process. The following steps are taken:

  • Cost plan reviewed with the client and comments taken on board
  • Final selection of furniture.
  • Detailed design of all key areas for construction e.g. joinery drawings, ceiling and partition details, development of the detail of key areas to ensure full integration with all services, IT, security, etc.
  • Final Landlord submission
  • Detailed cost plan to incorporate design freeze requirements

Technical And production information

At this stage, we provide:

  • All materials information, drawings and schedules to begin the project on site.
  • Final co-ordination of all drawings with mechanical, electrical, plumbing, AV and acoustics, prior to start on site.
  • Updated, finalised plans and details, which reflect final co-ordination.
  • Application for statutory approvals.


Here we ensure that all long lead-in items are defined and secured.


Throughout construction, we organise regular on-site meetings with the client to monitor progress of the design.

Practical Completion

At this stage we provide all final inspections and as-built drawings.


Once the client has settled in and experienced the new working environment, we hold a ‘postoccupation review’ to ensure what was promised has been delivered.